The information on this page carries links to other pages which are required by AIM Rule 26. This page was last updated on the 31st July 2020.

Description of the business

You can find a description of the business on the About us page.

Company directors and biographical information

You can find the company’s directors and a biographical description on the Board of Directors page.

Other exchanges/trading platforms

The company is not listed on any other exchanges/trading platforms other than AIM.

Identity of significant shareholders

The known percentage of AIM securities that are not in public hands and the identity and holding of significant shareholders can be found on the Share Information page.

Details of any restrictions on the transfer of AIM securities

Number of securities in issue

Number of securities in issue

The number of securities in issue can be found on the Share Information page.

Notifications the company has made in the past 12 months

Company notifications can be found on the RNS Announcements page.

Company’s most recent published annual accounts and interim/half yearly reports

You can find the most recent published annual accounts since admission on the Financial Reports page.

Articles of association and admission document

The admission document and other documents can be found on the Shareholder Documents page.

Communications and publications to shareholders sent within the past 12 months

The admission document and other documents can be found on the Shareholder Documents page.

Details of the corporate governance code

The company’s full corporate governance code and how the company complies with the code can be found on the Corporate Governance page.

Subject to takeovers and mergers

Yü Group PLC is subject to the UK City Code on takeovers and mergers.

Details of the NOMAD and key company advisers

All the nominated advisers and key company advisers can be found on the Advisers & Contacts page.